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Sea Kayaking Overnight

A two day kayaking trip on a lake in a remote wilderness setting with one night of primitive camping. The trip is self-sustaining in that all food, water, camping equipment and other gear are carried in the kayaks. The distance paddled is approximately 4 to 5 miles the first day and 10 to 12 miles the second day.

Trip Details

  • When: A combined class and pool session is held on a Monday evening from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm, followed by a two day lake session. The trip begins on a Saturday about 7:00 am and ends on a Sunday about 7:00 pm.
  • Prerequisites: Must be able to swim 100 meters and tread water for 60 seconds without a personal floatation device (PFD). No previous kayaking experience required. The swim test is covered during the Monday evening pool session.
  • Registrations: Registrations open the first day of the semester and close on the Tuesday before the classroom session begins.
  • Capacity: 12 participants plus Sea Kayaking staff.
  • Locations: Lake within a 3 hour drive of campus - Lake Jocassee or Carter's Lake.